
Tax Updates, Gratitude, and Safety

Five weeks ago, the sky was blue and it was perfect spring break ski weather. And then the CRA changed the filing deadline to June 1—and the COVID-19 situation became very real to me.

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Your Accountant Can Screw Things Up!

Personal spending habits can impact a lot of different aspects of your financial health, wealth or plain old fun. Being self-reflective on these habits and how to improve on them or maybe simply to learn to forgive oneself when you screw up may be the better lessons.

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Slowing Down, Speeding Up

How many of you have struggled with finding staff in the last year? What about work-life balance? Or silencing all the dings and notifications so you can do the big picture thinking your business really needs you to do?

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It Takes a Village

As the 2018 tax season has come to a close, I want to express my gratitude for both the great clients we get to serve and also the amazing team that supports this office, because believe me, it takes a village!

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